Make a Change

Make a Change is here to support anyone who’s worried about how they’re treating their partner or ex-partner, as well as the family, friends and professionals who want to help them change.


It’s never too late to make a change

Are you struggling with arguments with your loved ones? Or are you worried about someone else’s behaviour in their relationship?

Make a Change is a free course that can help make things better for you and your family. Find out more and get in touch.

This service is currently available in Durham, Merseyside, Newcastle, Sunderland and Trafford. The Lincolnshire service is now closed.

“People make mistakes, but change is everything. Getting help was the best thing I ever did.” 

- Ross, Make a Change participant

Are you worried about someone else’s behaviour?

Friends, family members, neighbours and colleagues are often the first to know when things are going wrong in a relationship, but it can be hard to know what to say or do. That’s why we’ve developed resources and a workshop for the local community to help you talk to someone about their behaviour in a helpful, safe way.

Get support

Join one of our group programmes, where you’ll meet with people who have similar concerns and be supported by a trained expert from the Make a Change team to talk about relationship difficulties and explore your behaviour towards your partner or ex-partner. This might also take place in one-to-one sessions.

Anyone can get in touch with us, including people who are concerned about their own behaviour, their partners or ex-partners, their friends, family or professionals.

Choose one of the options below for more information:

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Make a Change has been developed by Respect in partnership with Women's Aid Federation England and is inspired by the Change That Lasts approach.


Please see the Respect website for more updates, guidance and briefings.